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General Information 

Below are the official Elivius Rules. Violating these rules is strictly forbidden and will lead to disciplinary action. These rules encompass all aspects of Elivius-related activities, including but not limited to in-game and Discord interactions.

You are responsible for your own account

Regardless of who does the action on your account, you are liable for the damages and consequences

If you have a concern or dispute regarding a ruling or decision

If you believe you've been unfairly penalized, please submit an appeal and/or staff report. Message a Sr Admin+ to make a staff report. Decisions made by managers and those in higher positions will be considered final in all cases.

Items resulting from player errors will not be subject to refunds.

Staff will do their best to return or replace items lost from game glitches, bugs and rollbacks.

General Rules

[G1] Disruptive General Conduct

  • Disregarding staff instructions/Blatantly Disrespecting Staff

  • Generating eyesores within the Towny Worlds (extensive destruction, deforestation, craters, etc.)

  • Resource gathering should be carried out exclusively in the Resource Worlds (Extensive TNT usage is only acceptable within the Resource Nether and End)

More information on G1

Disregarding Staff Instructions/Blatantly Disrespecting Staff

Players are required to adhere to Staff instructions, and if they believe the instructions are unjust, they can raise their concerns with Management by submitting a ticket. Outright disrespect towards staff will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity, it may result in penalties such as [C2] Harassment or Insulting Others.

Generating eyesores within the Towny Worlds

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Lava casts

  • Cobble monsters

  • Mass fires

  • Large craters in the map

  • Widespread alteration of terrain (Extensive replanting, Structure demolition, etc.).

This does not apply to the resource world. However, destroying the resource world with malicious intent is not prohibited. 

Resource Gathering in Towny Worlds
Players must keep all large gathering of resources in the Resource Worlds.

[G2] Unsuitable General Conduct

  • Engaging in Unfair Advantages (such as Hacked Clients, Auto-Clickers/Auto-Fishers, Macros)

  • Deceptive practices targeting others (Scamming In-Game)

  • Constructing traps designed to harm or eliminate other players

  • Inappropriate skins/names(nicknames,town names, ect)/builds

More Information on G2

Engaging in Unfair Advantages (Hacks)

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Autoclickers

  • Taping down mouse or keyboard

  • X-ray

  • Baritone

  • Fly hacks

  • Killaura etc.

Please refer to the Allowed Mods list for more information, and if your mod isn't included, ask a staff member.

Deceptive practices targeting others (Scamming In-Game)

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Engaging in deceptive or fraudulent sales practices (Making false sales)

  • Submitting dishonest bids with the aim of artificially inflating the price (Auction)

  • Failure to fulfill payment obligations for purchases

  • Failure to honor a portion of an agreement

Constructing traps designed to harm or eliminate other players

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Any tool or method employed to capture a player or property

  • Deliberately causing other players to experience lag or disconnection issues

  • Trapping players within constructions or redstone mechanisms

  • Repetitively enabling/disabling PvP within your town or plot to target and eliminate a player

Inappropriate skins/names/builds

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Skins featuring explicit or NSFW content, including depictions of genitals

  • Skins of a controversial nature, including those featuring Hitler or Nazi imagery

  • Skins with blackface/other racist remarks

  • Usernames or nicknames that are racist or considered controversial

  • Builds that are NSFW, racist, or deemed controversial

[G3] Unacceptable General Conduct

  • Exploiting server or Minecraft glitches/bugs

  • Creating intentional lag-inducing machines

  • Exchanging in-game items or currency for anything external to the server, except for Elivius store-bought items, which are the sole exception

More Information on G3

Exploiting server or Minecraft glitches/bugs

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Discovering a bug or glitch and refraining from reporting it to staff, instead exploiting it for personal or others' benefit

  • Bypassing the AFK timer/collection system

  • Accessing the roof or ceiling of the Nether, End, or any other world 

Creating intentional lag-inducing machines

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Constructing systems or machines with the intention of causing server lag, such as flying machines

  • Reconstructing lag-inducing systems after having received prior instructions from staff not to do so

Exchanging in-game items or currency for anything external to the server, except for Elivius store-bought items, which are the sole exception

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Engaging in direct financial transactions, using real money to obtain in-game items or currency

[G4] Ban Evasion

  • The use of a proxy, VPN, or any other means to bypass a ban is strictly prohibited 

More information on G4

Ban Evasion

  • Utilizing an alternate account with the explicit intent of evading an ongoing ban will lead to a severe penalty

[G5] Auto Farms/Afk Farms

More information on G5

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Any farms that do not involve player interaction

[G6] PVP

More information on G6

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Combat is allowed in the resource world(s) at any time. However, within towns, PVP must be mutually agreed upon by all parties involved. 

[G7] Store Chargeback

  • If a chargeback occurs on our store, it will lead to an IP ban from the server


If a town's Mayor has been offline for 30 days

Mayorship will be passed down through the chain:

  • Co-Mayor, Advisor, Assistant, Baron, Recruiter, Architect, Dignitary, Unranked player that has been in the town for a minimum of 2 weeks

We will not disband towns unless all members have received permanent bans.

[T1] Disruptive Towny Conduct

  • Failing to vacate a town upon request or remaining within a 50-block radius of it
  • Setting home locations or warps within a town that does not belong to you 
  • Promoting or advertising within the Auction House (/ah)
  • Defaming or slandering another town or nation

More information on T1

Not leaving a town when being asked to (or being within 50 blocks)

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Remaining within a town despite being requested to depart
  • Loitering within a 50-block vicinity of a town from which you have been outlawed

Setting homes/warps in a town (other than your own)

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Setting home locations or warps within a towns without permission
  • Not removing the home locations or warps after the permission has been retracted

Promoting or advertising within the Auction House (/ah)

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Selling items with a renaming that matches the name of a shop or playerwarp
  • Selling items with names altered to promote a service or shop

Defaming or slandering another town or nation

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Actively dissuading players from joining a town or nation through insulting or derogatory remarks

[T2] Unsuitable Towny Conduct

  • Exploiting one's town rank to engage in theft from fellow residents
  • Deliberately disrupting or obstructing the design or expansion plans of a town
  • Possessing more than 4 spawners within 1 chunk

More Information on: T2

Exploiting one's town rank to engage in theft from fellow residents

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Depleting the town bank of its resources or funds
  • Intentionally causing the downfall or deterioration of a town
  • Taking items or resources from plots belonging to town members without permission or authorization 
  • Significantly raising taxes without providing prior notice or warning

Depending on the seriousness of the situation, leadership of the town may be transferred to another player within the town

Deliberately disrupting or obstructing the design or expansion plans of a town (including towns with wrong permissions set) 

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Entering a town with the intention of causing grief or disruption
  • Gaining the trust of someone within a plot with the intention of causing them harm or grief
  • Ring Claiming(Claiming around a town to prevent expansion/claiming)
  • Intentionally damaging the outer areas of a town through acts of griefing, such as erecting walls around the town, employing TNT cannons, or creating lava and water pyramids

[T2] Use of more than ONE Alternate Account

  • You are permitted to have one main account and one alternate account. Using additional accounts is considered a punishable offence

You are only allowed ONE alt account on Elivius

If someone is accessing the server from the same IP address as you or you are unable to access your old account and require the transfer of your items to new one, please be sure to us #support on our Discord to notify the staff.


[C1] Disruptive Chat Conduct

  • Disruptive chat, which includes actions like spamming or excessive us of capital letters
  • Using profanity or swearing excessively 
  • Using non-English languages in the global chat
  • Engaging in discussions about active or previous punishments
  • Promoting or advertising more frequently than once every 30 minutes 
  • Promoting personal platforms

More Information on: C1

Disturbing chat (i.e. spam, excessive caps)

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Frequently repeating messages

  • Flooding chat

  • Countdowns

  • Excessive caps

  • Excessive swearing

  • Constantly begging people for items

  • Spacing out letters

  • Randomized messages

  • Different fonts

Using profanity or swearing excessively

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Swearing Excessively

  • Using offensive language or swearing directly at other individuals

Using non-English languages in the global chat

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Using longer expressions or sentences(non-English)

  • Sending multiple messages with varying words or content(non-English)

Engaging in discussions about active or previous punishments

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Conversations regarding personal punishments

  • Conversations about the punishments of others

Promoting or advertising more frequently than once every 30 minutes

This Includes but is not limited to

  • A single player promoting multiple items, services, or activities

  • Several players promoting a single item, such as a town or playerwarp

Personal promotions

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Promoting or advertising social media platforms

  • Promoting platforms that are unrelated to Elivius

[C2] Unsuitable Chat Conduct

  • Content in chat that is not safe for work (NSFW), typically containing explicit or inappropriate material
  • Impersonating staff members
  • Engaging in persistent and unwanted behavior with the intent to cause distress or harm to others (Harassing others)
  • Directly insulting others through name-calling or derogatory language 
  • Engaging in discussions about political or religious views

More Information on: C2

Content in chat that is not safe for work (NSFW)

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Making jokes or comments of a sexual or erotic nature

  • Content related to drugs or drug use

  • Content featuring graphic violence or gore

  • Making jokes or comments related to self harm or suicide

Impersonating staff members

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Falsely claiming to be a specific staff member

  • Falsely asserting to be a staff member, such as claiming to be a moderator

Harassing others

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Engaging in bullying behavior towards others, which involves repeated and intentional acts intended to harm, intimidate, or harass individuals

  • Persistently messaging others even after being requested to stop 

  • Repetitively stalking or following others

  • Impersonating another player through changing nickname, claiming to be an alt, ect 

Directly insulting others through name-calling or derogatory language

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Using derogatory names or insults to address others 

  • Using profanity or offensive language directed at others

  • Uttering disrespectful or impolite comments directed towards others

Engaging in discussions about political or religious views

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Engaging in discussions about who to vote for typically in the context of elections or decision-making processes

  • Disparaging or criticizing religions (Shamming religions)

  • Engaging in conversations that assert one religion's superiority over others

  • Quoting statements from politicians or religious texts

[C3] Unacceptable Chat Conduct

  • Making comments that discriminate against or show prejudice towards individuals or groups based on their characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or other protected attributes

More Information on: C3

Discriminatory comments

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Displaying an unjust or biased differentiation between various categories of people or things, particularly based on factors such as race, age, or gender

  • Making insinuations or allegations about someone with the intention of insulting them or harming their reputation 

[C4] Mute Evasion

  • Attempting to evade an active mute by using tactics such as placing signs, renaming items, or employing other means

More Information on: C4

Mute Evasion

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Using items to communicate, such as signs, books, blocks, and renaming items

[C5] No Intent To Play

  • Using slurs

  • Entering an IP address or server name in a text or chat

  • Repetitively posting offensive or derogatory comments

  • Disclosing or sharing the personal information of others

More Information on: C5

Using slurs

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Using racial slurs or derogatory terms with the intent to target and discriminate against minority or marginalized groups

Entering an IP address or server name in a text or chat

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Sharing or posting any IP address

  • Sharing a server address that does not belong to Elivius

  • Promoting Discord servers that are unrelated to Elivius

Repetitively posting offensive or derogatory comments

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Continuously posting offensive or derogatory comments in a repetitive and disruptive manner

  • Expressing offensive content through various means such as signs, books, blocks, or renaming items

Disclosing or sharing the personal information of others

This Includes but is not limited to

  • Revealing private or sensitive information about another person, including details such as their age, real name, IP address, location and so on

  • Soliciting or requesting private personal information is strictly prohibited

[N] Notes

  • Raiding and stealing are permitted in all wilderness chunks, regardless of their proximity to a town. However, greifing/destruction of builds is not allowed.

  • The only guaranteed way to ensure the complete saftey of your possessions is by claiming them


  • Inventory/Mouse Tweaks Mods

  • Schematica/Litematica (without Printer)

  • Mini-maps (without Radar/Cave Finder)

  • All Badlion and Lunar Client Features

  • Aesthetic Mods (Shaders, Texturepacks)